Summer Solutions for a Healthier Family – Part 2: Smart Summertime Snacking

Summer’s here and the kids are spending more time at home. That means that they are spending more time hitting the pantry for snacks. There is no better time than NOW to toss out the junk food and forever change snacking habits at your house so that your children learn to make healthier choices for a lifetime! Children who learn good habits at a young age are likely to continue to follow those good habits once they are old enough to make choices for themselves. So your challenge begins now: Get rid of the salty and sweet treats that are empty calories without nutritional value and replace them with a fresh fruit basket packed full of vitamins and minerals! Below is a list of seven nutritionally-balanced snack options that will jump-start your journey for a healthier family!

Day 1: Chicken wrap on whole wheat tortilla with 1 serving of swiss/provolone cheese and 1 serving of blueberries

Day 2:  Sargento Balanced Break To-Go snack and 1 serving of orange

Day 3:  1 serving of Colby-jack cheese; 1 serving almonds/walnuts; 1 serving of whole wheat crackers

Day 4: 1-2 ounces of cold-cut meat on whole wheat tortilla with spicy mustard; 1 serving of popcorn; 1 serving pear/peach

Day 5:  1 serving hard-boiled egg; 1 serving yogurt with 1 Tbsp granola; 1 serving grapes

Day 6: 1 apple cut into slices spread with 2 Tbsp peanut butter and 2 Tbsp granola

Day 7: 1 serving of carrot sticks with ¼ cup low-fat ranch dressing and 1 serving almonds/walnuts


Keep checking us out for recipes for healthy appetizers and snacks.


Love Dr. Kim! One of the most genuine and thorough doctors I know. I have absolute trust in him when it comes to my children's health.
- Elizabeth Q.

The entire staff is just awesome, kind, honest, helpful. It is always a great experience even with sick kiddos!
- Marlo M.

Wonderful practice, wonderful providers, wonderful office staff! Knowledgeable, loving, and kind!
- Vanessa M.