Summer Solutions For a Healthier Family – Part 1: Just How Much is a Serving Anyway?

The USDA created MyPlate to assist individuals and families in finding their own healthy eating style in order to build and incorporate that habit throughout a lifetime. CHOA’s Strong For Life has similar philosophies and guidelines. Both have recommendations for the number of fruits, veggies, grains, proteins, dairy, and fats & oils each person each person should consume each day. This recommendation can get very confusing with children, depending on the age of the child. The NUMBER of servings per day generally never change: 6 servings of breads & starches; 5 servings of fruits & veggies; 3 servings of dairy; 3 servings of meat/protein; and fats, oils, & sweets sparingly. However; the SIZE of the servings themselves change depending on the age, gender, and activity level of the child. Below is a tool to help you get started towards a healthier family. Compiled from the above two programs, along with “Quick Meals for Healthy Kids and Busy Parents”, it is not all inclusive, but rather meant to serve as a quick guide for serving sizes based on current guidelines.

Serving Size Chart


Love Dr. Kim! One of the most genuine and thorough doctors I know. I have absolute trust in him when it comes to my children's health.
- Elizabeth Q.

The entire staff is just awesome, kind, honest, helpful. It is always a great experience even with sick kiddos!
- Marlo M.

Wonderful practice, wonderful providers, wonderful office staff! Knowledgeable, loving, and kind!
- Vanessa M.