Spring Fever Is Here!

From Tanya’s CornerDepositphotos_8292118_m-2015

Mark Twain once said, “It’s spring fever.  That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want — oh, you
don’t quite know what it is you want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, and you want it so!”  This is the time of year when the Earth’s axis tilts further towards the sun. The days are getting longer and warmer. As a result, colorful flowers are budding and blooming, and pollen counts are rising! It is a time filled with transformations and new beginnings … both in nature and in our own lives. We all start to feel that tug to get out of the “sloth mode” of winter with a fresh, healthy start. There is no better time than now to get out, get active, and jump-start your family’s health!

The family that plays together stays together! It is so true! I would like to challenge families to incorporate one small change into your weekly routine to start your family’s transformation to a healthier life. Once a week, choose one of the activities below to do together as a family – and yes, all family members must be present and participate. Feel free to set a time-limit initially so that members won’t feel as though they are “trapped with no means of escape” for an infinite amount of time. Soon enough, I think you’ll find that won’t be necessary as your family will be having so much fun, they won’t care about the time investment! Increase “buy-in” by allowing your kids to help plan these fun family activities. Don’t forget to put your own personal stamp on the activity to get creative with them!

  • Have a picnic – choose a theme like “Italy”. You must travel (preferably by hiking or biking), to “Italy”. When you get there, serve authentic Italian fare and engage in authentic Italian sports and activities.
  • If you have younger kids, host a “Bubble Fest” outside with games.
  • Go to the local zoo (be sure to pack a healthy lunch with plenty of water).
  • Plan a bike ride.
  • Host an art contest with sidewalk chalk.
  • Have a backyard baseball or dodgeball game.
  • Have a water balloon fight.
  • Host a Twister tournament outside.
  • Have a firefly catching contest.
  • Play hide-and-go-seek.


These activities will not only get your family up and moving their way to improved health, they will also cement family bonds. By actively playing together, rather than merely watching a screen, or passing by each other in silence, you can establish an empowering family relationship. Communication will increase tremendously as you and your children talk through the rules of the games. This type of negotiation is the same that they would use to solve problems throughout their lives. From involvement in weekly family games, children learn how to run, jump, ride a bike, catch, think, strategize, and learn about the triumphs of victory and the agonies of defeat! What better way to jump into spring and start your family’s transformation?


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The entire staff is just awesome, kind, honest, helpful. It is always a great experience even with sick kiddos!
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Wonderful practice, wonderful providers, wonderful office staff! Knowledgeable, loving, and kind!
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